
The Tales of The Travelling Tea Cup

 Tea has traveled all the way from China to India to Britain and then Africa, where it remains a staple domestic beverage to date. We know it has been a beloved beverage across time and boundaries because we have records of Ibn Battuta, the Moroccan traveler, and scholar interacting with his contemporary, the Somali explorer Sa’id of Mogadishu. They both discuss the Chinese tea customs with curiosity and deem them to be symbolic of luxury!

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Chhatth Puja

Conserving cultural heritage and passing them onto our descendants implies not only safeguarding cultural values but also securing the future as well. Festivals are an integral part of our intangible cultural heritage; since the evolution of social life people celebrated festivals shaped by their cultural beliefs to express emotions. Chhath is one of such festival

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Environment in Covid-19

It has been months since the World has stood still. Socio-Economic activities halted, lives disrupted. This worldwide lock down has come as a reality check. Covid-19 has served as a reminder of inter dependency of humans on environment. Perhaps, the pandemic is preparing us to be more rational and grow a collective conscience for our

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