The UN in 1972 designated 5th June as World Environment Day in order to commemorate the general awareness and sensitivity of people towards their surroundings. This day aims to inspire people to awaken towards the current crisis of climate change and consequential disasters. For a long time now, Environmental Conservation has been on agenda throughout the world. Policies are being devised and measures taken to curtail impending damages.
The crisis of climate change might be recent, however, the notion of Environmental Conservation is not. Various cultures have references of conservation of nature. There have been pagan gods who were worshipped in form of rain, sea, forest, and crops etc. Hindu scriptures have also vividly discussed the relationship between man and nature. There has been a strong emphasis on importance of preserving our natural surroundings in the Vedas. As per the vedas, divinity prevails in all elements and hence it is imperative to respect them. Verse 6:48:17 in the Rig Veda says, “Do not harm the water and flora. May water remain fresh. Do not cut the trees. They remove impurities. Earth is our mother and we are her sons.”
Other scriptures like Ramayan, Mahabhrata and Bhagvat Gita etc have also had references of nature worship. According to the Varaha Purana, “one who plants one peepal tree, one neem tree, ten flowering plants, two pomegranate trees, two orange trees and five mango trees, he does not go to hell.” The fundamental belief behind these connotations was to respect the symbiotic link between man and nature. Trees and plants have always held a significant role in Hindu culture. Various rituals involve worshipping of sacred trees like Banyan, Peepal and Tulsi. These beliefs, these rituals have become our individual heritage.
The circumstances of the present age have all the more reason to kindle our belongingness towards the environment. Sustainability of nature has become the need of the hour. It is our collective duty to celebrate our surrounding, our environment each day. Covid 19 pandemic and the natural disasters across the globe is a wakeup call to walk on a new path for an author has aptly said –“He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: environment is but a looking glass.”
― James Allen